FAQ - Registration


Phelma recruits in the 1st year at Bac+2 :

  • Mainly through the Concours commun des instituts nationaux polytechniques (CCINP) after scientific preparatory classes (CPGE).
  • The first year Physics Materials Processes (PMP) course is also accessible to BCPST preparatory classes (Agro-Véto) – 2 places maximum open
  • DUT, ATS, L2 and L3 (36 places maximum – 18 maximum for each Phelma first year course)
  • At the Prépa des INP (preparatory cycle integrated to the whole Group INP)

For students with a L3, M1, DUT+3 or double degree from European universities, 20 places are available in the 2nd year, all subjects included.

  • DUT or ATS GE2I, networks and telecoms, physical measurements
  • Licence EEA
  • For the Physics Materials Processes (PMP) course: Physical Measurements, Chemistry, Chemical and Process Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Thermal Engineering and Energy,
  • For the Physics Electronics Telecoms (PET) course: Physical Measurements, Electrical Engineering, Electronics option, Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing, Networks and Telecoms
  • For the Microelectronics & Telecommunications (MT) stream: DUT or ATS GE2I, networks and telecoms, Physical Measurements, EEA Licence
    • Physical Measurement: all
    • Chemistry: SIM, EPEE, FAME+, AMIS, even BIOMED
    • Chemical and process engineering: EPEE, SIM, FAME+, AMIS
    • Materials Science and Engineering: EPEE, SIM, FAME+, AMIS
    • Thermal engineering and energy: EPEE, GEN
    • Electrical engineering, electronics option: BIOMED, Nanotech, SEI, SICOM, SEOC
    • Electrical engineering and industrial computing: BIOMED, Nanotech, SEI, SICOM, SEOC, MT (apprenticeship)
  • Networks and Telecom: SEOC, MT (apprenticeship)
  • For the course Physics Materials Processes (PMP): Licence de Physique / Licence MIAS (mathematics and computer science applied to science) / Licence de Physique-Chimie / Licence de
  • Sciences of matter / Sciences of the structure of matter / Licence sciences et technologie, / Licence de Chimie, génie chimique, génie physique / Licence Mécanique, génie mécanique…
  • For the Physics Electronics Telecoms (PET) course: License in physics / License MIAS (mathematics and computer science applied to science) / License in electronics, electrotechnics, automation, signal / License in electronics and telecommunications …
  • For the Microelectronics & Telecommunications (MT) stream: Bachelor’s degree in Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Automation, Signal

WARNING, each university sets up its own titles for bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The themes listed in the table above are therefore indicative.

In general, a maximum of 8 places for each 1st year course

A student with a L3 diploma can also apply to enter the second year. There is no set number of places.

Generally 10 places maximum for each 1st year course

For the start of the 2021 school year:

For the Physics Electronics Telecoms (PET) course:

  • MP: 56 placess maximum
  • PC : 34 places maximum
  • PSI : 43 places maximum
  • PT : 5 places maximum
  • TSI : 2 places maximum

For the Physics of Materials and Processes (PMP) course:

  • MP : 35 places maximum
  • PC : 65 places maximum
  • PSI : 31 places maximum
  • PT : 5 places maximum
  • TSI : 2 places maximum
  • BCPST : 2 places maximum

Yes. 2 places are open in 1st year to access only the Physics of Materials and Processes (PMP) course